Emma Gollan, Full Stack Developer

About Me

Head shot of Emma Gollan I am currently a student at UCF studying the wonderful world of coding! I grew up in New Zealand, but have been living in the U.S since 2001. I have a degree in special education and a professional background in education, investing, and customer service. I am thrilled to be breaking into the field of coding and find myself excited and challenged every day! Check out my projects to see what I have been working on. If you are looking for a passionate person with drive, curiosity, and a diligent work ethic, then I may be a good fit for your organization.

My Projects

Project One

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Project Two

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Project Three

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Contact Me

Thank you so much for looking at my work! If you would like more infromation about me, you can check out my linkedin profile or contact me directly.

Phone: (321) 301 7446
Email: emmagollan33@gmail.com